lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Buenas Prácticas

Corregir todos los Blogs Unidad 1 (Lecciones 1 - 12) y Unidad 2 (Lecciones 1 - 12) con las hojas que entregaré el 5 de Diciembre, para ser corregidas los días 6 y 7 de Diciembre y hacer los ajustes necesarios para una EXCELENTE presentación de sus Blogs para la presentación de las Buenas Practicas antes los Padres de Familia, en el AM1 el día 8 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 8:00 hrs.
ALUMNOS QUE PARTICIPARAN en la Presentación de las Buenas Practicas del III AS y III BE serán publicados y anunciados el día 4 de Diciembre, por lo que tendrán SOLO 3 días para realizar los ajustes y correcciones necesarios para la presentación de las Buenas Practicas.

Es importante recalcar que la presentación que realizaran antes los padres de familia, deberá contener los siguientes puntos:

                          MOVIE MAKER
                          LIBRO TRENDS 3
                          YOU TUBE
                          A CATCHER

Unit 2 Lesson 12

1) Performs Workbook Exercises 7 and 8 related to Lesson 12 of the Unit 2 page 67 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.

2) Also develop you, a Video (of Lesson 12, in Movie Maker, with the Audioscript of own Track, with the following information:
Black background
Letter in white (any type and size)
Maximum 3 lines per screen
Synchronized audio with text
With credits at the end, with the author's name.
Place them (videos) in Youtube
Link them from Youtube to the corresponding input
(Video must be made and linked to the Blog )
Work on Blog 50%
Videos linked to the Blog 40%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on December 5, 2014


Unit 2 Lesson 11

1) Performs Workbook Exercises 5 and 6 related to Lesson 11 of the Unit 2 page 67 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.

2) Also develop you, a Video (of Lesson 11, in Movie Maker, with the Audioscript of own Track, with the following information:
Black background
Letter in white (any type and size)
Maximum 3 lines per screen
Synchronized audio with text
With credits at the end, with the author's name.
Place them (videos) in Youtube
Link them from Youtube to the corresponding input
(Video must be made and linked to the Blog )
Work on Blog 50%
Videos linked to the Blog 40%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on December 5, 2014

Unit 2 Lesson 10

1) Performs Workbook Exercise 3 page 66 and Excercise 4 page 67 related to Lesson 10 of the Unit 2 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.
Work on Blog 90%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on December 5, 2014

Unit 2 Lesson 9

1) Performs Workbook Exercises 1 and 2 related to Lesson 9 of the Unit 2 page 66 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.

2) Also develop you, a Video (of Lesson 9, in Movie Maker, with the Audioscript of own Track, with the following information:
Black background
Letter in white (any type and size)
Maximum 3 lines per screen
Synchronized audio with text
With credits at the end, with the author's name.
Place them (videos) in Youtube
Link them from Youtube to the corresponding input
(Video must be made and linked to the Blog )
Work on Blog 50%
Videos linked to the Blog 40%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on November 28, 2014

Unit 2 Lesson 8

1) Performs Workbook Exercises 7 and 8 related to Lesson 8 of the Unit 2 page 57 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.

2) Also develop you, a Video (of Lesson 8, in Movie Maker, with the Audioscript of own Track, with the following information:
Black background
Letter in white (any type and size)
Maximum 3 lines per screen
Synchronized audio with text
With credits at the end, with the author's name.
Place them (videos) in Youtube
Link them from Youtube to the corresponding input
(Video must be made and linked to the Blog )
Work on Blog 50%
Videos linked to the Blog 40%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on November 28, 2014

Unit 2 Lesson 7

1) Performs Workbook Exercises 5 and 6 related to Lesson 7 of the Unit 2 page 57 on Student´s Book, as they appear in each of the exercises. Writing the answers in RED and the rest in BLACK.

2) Also develop you, a Video (of Lesson 7, in Movie Maker, with the Audioscript of own Track, with the following information:
Black background
Letter in white (any type and size)
Maximum 3 lines per screen
Synchronized audio with text
With credits at the end, with the author's name.
Place them (videos) in Youtube
Link them from Youtube to the corresponding input
(Video must be made and linked to the Blog )
Work on Blog 50%
Videos linked to the Blog 40%
Attendance 10%

Note 1:
Date of Delivery
These exercises should be performed and uploaded to the Blog, on November 21, 2014